Electronics & Communication Engineering
"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone."
About Course
Electronics industry has advanced by leaps and bounds far exceeding Moore's predictions. Advancements in electronics engineering like microelectronics and wireless communication techniques has led to a development of complex solid state electronics devices, circuits and equipment capable of implementing fast and efficient telecommunication system. Graduate engineers of this discipline will be prepared to design , operate and maintain complex electronic circuits, equipment and system. Besides they will also learn all the software and hardware required in the communication domain. This branch of engineering develops everyday devices such as transistors, integrated circuits and printed circuit boards which can be used in computers, MP3 players, cell phones, television to name a few.
No. of Intakes 60
Note :- Admission shall taken as per the guildlines of universities and approval bodies.
Major Labs
Job Opportunity
Telephone Industries, Civil Aviation, Development Centers in various States, Defense, NPL, A.I.R, Posts and Telegraph Department, Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited D.R.D.O.
Scientists in Research Organizations
CV RAMAN, APJ ABDUL KALAM, André-Marie Ampére, Michael Faraday, Joseph Henry, Nicola Tesla.