Information Technology Engineering
"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone."
About Course
Information technology engineering is the study of design, development and implementation of computer based information systems, particularly software application and computer hardware. It includes data management, networking engineering, computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems. The study of information technology also focuses on investigation of properties and behavior of information. The information technology engineers are expected to study the application and usage of knowledge in organizations, along with the interaction between people, organizations and any existing information systems and aim to create , replace, improve or understand the information systems. Information technology engineer can execute several roles that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases.
No. of Intakes 60
Note :- Admission shall taken as per the guildlines of universities and approval bodies.
Major Labs
Job Opportunity
Telephone Industries, Civil Aviation, Development Centers in various States, Defense, NPL, A.I.R, Posts and Telegraph Department, Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited D.R.D.O.
Scientists in Research Organizations
CV RAMAN, APJ ABDUL KALAM, André-Marie Ampére, Michael Faraday, Joseph Henry, Nicola Tesla